Just got home from a weeks worth of vacation!!! After Jury duty on Wednesday I came home loaded up the car and North I went. Had a blast!! On Thursday we went tubing down the Rifle River, I almost made the whole trip without an incident! But not my luck, about less than a quarter of a mile I thought i was stuck on some rocks and it turned out that i was stuck on a log with a branch that was shaped like a dagger and ended up popping my tube...dang it!! Had to take one of the kids tubes to finish our ride. It was still fun tho!! And i would do it again!
Friday we had to set up the hall and finish the food and Saturday we had a blast at the party!! We got up early to clean the hall on Sunday and then off to the beach!!! We came home that evening, because I think my husband was missing us and there is something wrong with my dog, but still not sure what it is. I'm going to give him a few more days and see what happens.