Saturday, August 31, 2013

Some things I might not have told you yet.

I don't know if i have ever told you guys that i have kind of  adopted Amber's friend Kayla and her son Spencer into out lives.  Amber and Kayla have been good friends for a couple years now.  Kayla ended up pregnant and basically everyone stopped being her friend except for Amber.  Well thru this past year we have welcomed Kayla and her son to our family and we help where ever we can.  I love them both like they were mine.  My heart really goes out to both of them.  Kayla has had one hard life.  She is in foster care and has basically been in one home to another.  She says she only feels like she's at home is with us.  I wish i had another room to put Kayla and Spencer in, but I don't, so she spends every other weekend at my house.

I can't believe a whole year has gone by and I don't think that i have mentioned Kayla and Spencer before.  I have become her support person.  Which means if she needs to get away from the environment she is in, she is alright to come stay with me when need be.  A few times i have had to be her emergency place.

Anyway  here's a few pics of my additional family members...Here was Spencer when he was first born.  Awww....
Here is his mother Kayla and him. This was taken at Easter time.  
Here is Kayla and Amber and Spencer   "the moms" lol...we took him to the zoo beginning of summer...

Here was spencer on his first birthday!!!  Can ya believe he was born on the 4th of July 2012!  He really was loving that piece of cake!! 
He started walking on his first birthday on his own!! Major milestone!!!  Now there is no stopping him!! lol

Anyway, I might be writing a whole lot more about them, since they have pretty much been part of our lives....I love them both!  But that little boy has my heart!  He calls me Meemaw!  He is so cute, love them open mouth kisses and those hugs will melt anyone!!  

I guess I will end this with a more recent pic of myself.  Down 167 pounds...I weigh 167 pounds now!  So ya i lost half of me!! lol  I also put highlights in my hair.  For the past 3 months of so I have maintained my weight and am happy for that.  If i dont lose another pound I will be happy!  

So on that note...I will try and get on Blogger more often.  I still do get on here from time to time... 


momma said...

What a sweet doll baby that young gentleman is. I can see why he won your heart! It is hard to believe that is you in the picture--you sure have accomplishes a lot.

River Glorious said...

You look thinner than your current weight... :)

Mal Kiely [Lancelots Pram] said...

Looking good :)