As i was leaving my house a few days back everything out front was as it should be but when i got home the first thing i noticed was my little garden lighthouse was stolen. The way i figure it my daughter says it was there at 6 pm but by the time i got home around 8:30 pm it was gone, and get this, my husband was in the house sleeping and my son was in his room. How daring people are getting!!! I really liked that lighthouse! It had a light at the top that went round and round. SUCKS!!
Yesterday after work i had to take my daughter to the doctors, she has been breaking out with lots of pimples under her armpit. Trying to figure out why. But the doctor said something that may be the problem...seems since she has used shaving cream she has been breaking out..i told her to just start using soap and water like she was before the break out. She doesn't think it is because it's not happening to her legs...but i told her maybe the skin on her armpits don't like it.
So she is now on some antibiotics to get rid of the puss and stuff under there. While i was there for her armpits i mentioned to him that she really has a problem with underarm wetness and that i have tried every clinic type stuff out there and she still has a problem. He wrote a script for a lotion that may help....we'll see!
So after doctors i drop my lovely daughter at grandma's and get all the way home and pull into the drive way at the same time my neighbor did and she says "Caroline you have a flat tire", WTF! So there was the fun of finding the jack and figuring out how to use everything that you need to change a tire because you haven't needed to use this stuff before...anywhoshits...get the tire off and run up to the local gas station where they fix it with a tire that's what i call back home and put tire back on like nothing ever happened.
Ok that's enough of the bad good thing about this week....
Amber says "mom i need pants" I don't know about you...but i can't buy new clothes all the time... I buy "new" clothes for beginning of school and like Christmas time. For the in between times the Salvation Army is very helpful...So i take my daughter there and she finds many pairs of jeans and ends up with about 3 that are acceptable...1 pair actually still had tags on it. We also tried on some t shirts and she ended up with 2 new shirts ...with 1 still having tags on 3 pairs of jeans, 2 shirts that would have probably cost me over 100 dollars, i walked out with a price tag of $15.32!! Priceless!!!
I have realized that i put alot of pictures of Amber on here...that's because she is a camera ham! Darin must have been bored one day and decided to take a few pics of himself...I am more than happy with sharing it with the world :)
ooooo serious!
he's just cute!
this one caught me off guard and i laughed a ton!!