Tuesday, August 05, 2008

My most favorite picture of me in the whole world

Mom sent me a bunch of pictures today...for upcoming posts about my children's birthday's. She sent me this one...I LOVE THIS PIC!!!!! Other than my kindergarten pic and this one there are no other favorites. This was taken in the 11th grade.
I think my hair...my make-up were perfect! To me at least.
No reason for this post..lol...other than i got this pic and loved it.


gammamoma said...

Yes, Caroline, thats a lovely pic of you that I have remembered you had lost some weight and were looking so good. Oh to just turn back the clock again and be that young.
Give me a hint on what your going to do for the kids birthdays..LOL!

Anonymous said...

That is a great picture!! You look so pretty. It makes me wan to dig out my old photos, just to cheer myself up!! Good times.

Mal Kiely [Lancelots Pram] said...

Gees... all my old photos of myself are on sepia glass plates, I think? heh heh.

Nice pic! Thanks.

Hope all is going well in your universe.

Mal :)